Trish with Gracie, her "Amazing Grace"
Trish Randal
grew up on a small farm in Ohio. Her earliest childhood memories are "creating" with Mom at the kitchen table. Sewing doll clothes by the time she was 5 was the beginning of a love affair of working with her hands. Even now, creating at the kitchen table is where she feels most at home.
Trish studied at Ohio University in Athens, and graduated with a degree in education. Teaching was the realization of a childhood dream, but after a move to Columbus, Ohio she discovered clay and found a new excitement.
Influenced by artists such as
Influenced by artists such as Sharon Sahl, Diana Brian and Jean Earnhart, Trish began creating whimsical characters in salt dough or baker's clay. She remembers that her first piece was an elf that took over two hours to mold. But, she also remembers the surprise and pleasure of friends and family at the image she had created. Eventually she turned the making of these clay figures into a business. Her wish to make more detailed and intricate figures led her to bread dough clay, a mixture of white bread, glue and glycerin. A medium traditionally used for miniatures, Trish was one of the first to develop techniques to make larger figures. Each piece is hand-made, air-dried and sealed with an epoxy resin. Molds are never used.
Figures are sculpted from ball, log, and cone shapes. Molds are never used.
After drying for seven days the angels get their wings!
Trish's intention as an artist
is to create pieces that celebrate the stories of our lives. Her inspiration is the knowledge that people are touched by a piece that was created from her heart and hands. Trish says that "Christmas is a special time, knowing that people are opening a package with something you created inside. It really doesn't get any better than that!"
Lately, Trish has been enjoying
teaching creative dough art workshops. She believes that there is a creative solution to every problem or at least a creative way of dealing with it. "The more we exercise our creative muscles, the easier it is to draw on that creativity in our everyday lives," says Trish.
The final step - the figures are dipped in a epoxy resin placed on a screen until they become tacky and then hung to cure for 24 hours.
Demonstrating at the Shaker Woods Festival, Columbiana, Ohio
Trish has been working
in the art world for more than four decades, both as an instructor and an artist. She has received numerous awards for her work, including "Craftsman of the Year" award at the Shaker Woods Festival.